Work to Live or Live to Work? It Makes All the Difference!

Like many practitioners, my journey as a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist began with my own health challenges. I was working at Disney as an airbrush artist, blissfully unaware of the toll paint fumes were taking on my body. I experienced heart palpitations, weight issues, severe hypoglycemia, and relentless headaches. By the afternoon, I felt like a […]

Mental and Emotional Illness Is Not Due to Prozac Deficiency

Did you know that the building blocks of protein, amino acids, are essential for our mental health? These tiny but powerful nutrients are responsible for creating neurotransmitters—chemicals in our brain that control our mood, emotions, and overall well-being. The best part? These neurotransmitters are made from the amino acids found in the food we eat, […]

To Supplement or Not to Supplement, that is The Question!

In my clinical practice, one of the most common questions I receive is, “Do I need to take supplements, or can I get all the nutrients I need from my diet?” From my observations, and after reviewing the diets of thousands of individuals, it’s clear that in today’s fast-paced world, even with the best intentions, […]